Lisette Frias:Market Surveillance and Alert Construction
Ezio Lauro:Commodity Risk and Green Fertilizers
Roland Amagbo: Creating Climate Change Indexes
Xiaotong Hu : Tariffs and Shares of Steel and Aluminium Companies
Past PhD students
Carlo Picccari, Birkbeck 2024, Oil strategist, London
Haiming Yue, JHU 2024, Balyasny Asset Management, New York
Yuanye Ma, JHU 2022,Quantitative Strategist at Morgan Stanley New York
Sofia Philippou, Birkbeck 2020, ’ LNG Markets and Valuation of the Tanker Rerouting Option
*Brendan McLear, JHU 2019, ‘Valuation of Oil Reserves and Debt Refinancing*", currently at a Debt Restructuring company
Matthias Scheiber, Birkbeck (2017):Shanghai Copper Futures Contracts and Warehouse Monitoring, currently a Portfolio Manager at Schroders London
Tara Velez, Birkbeck (2017):Searching for Yield in Real Assets, currently a Lecturer in Finance at Queen Mary - Universityof London
Bo Liu, JHU (2016):High Frequency Trading of Pairs of Crude Oil Equities, currently a Quant at Citi
Patrick O’Driscoll, Birkbeck (2016):Crude Oil Refined Products: Optimization using Stochastic methods, currently CTO of a software company
Pedro Vergel Eleuterio, Birkbeck (2015):Agricultural Commodities and Fertilizers, currently a Lecturer in Finance at Queen Mary
Lovjit Thukral, Birkbeck, (2015):ETF and ETN Trading strategies in the Commodities Space, currently a Quant at JP Morgan Asset Management
Oliwia Koslowska, Birkbeck (2014):Modelling Missing Data in Oil Refined Products. Application to the Valuation of Derivatives, currently on the Model Validation Team at UBS Singapore
Seth Sarfo (2014):Stochastic Modelling of the Forward CurveāThe Case of Cocoa, currently a Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London
Will Smith, Birkbeck (2012):Fundamentals factors affecting commodity price and volatility: inventory and spare capacity, currently an Economist/Quant at Sungard Systems Ltd
Benoit Guilleminot, Birkbeck (2010):Seasonal and Stochastic Features of Agricultural Commodities, currently Director of Research and Innovation at Riskelia
Yih-Fong Shih, Birkbeck, (2010):Calibrating Skews and Volatility Surfaces in Metals and Gold markets, currently Head Quant at UBS Shanghai
John Theal, university della Svizzera Italiana (2009):Convenience Yield, Lease Rate and Inventories in Gold Markets, currently at Central Bank of Luxembourg
Stelios Kurouvakalis, Univ Paris Dauphine (2008):Optimization of Physical Assets in the Energy Industry currently Director, Model Risk Management at Bank of America /Merrill Lynch.
Marc Atlan (2007):Sato and Bessel Processes For Equity, Interest Rates and Credit, currently at BlueCrest Capital Management
**Steve Ohana, Univ Dauphine, 2006, ‘**Management of a Portfolio of Natural Gas contracts,currently Portfolio Manager in an Electricity Company
Delia Coculescu, Univ Paris Dauphine (2005):Pricing Credit Derivatives under Asymmetric Information, currently Associate Professor at University of Zurich
Alois Kanyinda, Univ Paris Dauphine (2005):Water and Water Risk Management, currently a Professor at Ecole Superieure de Reims
Aymeric Kalife (2004):Impact of a large trader on the market microstructure and option pricing, currently a Director at AXA
Marie-Pascale Leonardi, Univ Paris Dauphine (2004)Pricing and Hedging in Incomplete Markets, currently Principal Supervisor at European Central Bank, Frankfurt
Vu-Nhat Nguyen (2004):Commodity Forward Curves Modelling: the Case of Soybeans, currently at Noble Energy, Singapore
Cecile Kharoubi (2003):Hedge Funds and Extreme Market Moves: The Benefits of Copulas, currently a Professor at ESCP Europe
Andrea Roncoroni (2002):Electricity Prices Revisited: A Jump-Reverting model, currently Professor at ESSEC
Thierry Ane, Univ Paris Dauphine (2001):Stochastic Subordination and Empirical Finance, Professor of Finance
Jean-Noel Dordain (1999):Valuation of Swing Options in Electricity and Natural Gas Markets, currently Head of Software Development at Sophis
Nassim Taleb (1998):The Microstructure of Dynamic Hedging, currently a Philosopher and Essayist, Author of the Black Swan
Fabio Trojani, Univ of Zurich (1997):Parity to the Identification of Exchange Rates Risk Premia, currently Professor at the University of Lugano
Remy Souveton, Univ Paris Dauphine (1996):Illiquidity and The Probability of Default of an Exchange
Marie-Odile Albizzati (1995):The Surrender Option and other Optionalities in Life-Insurance Products, currently Professor at the University Paris 2
Jacques Friggit (1994):Business Time and Stochastic Volatility in Equity Markets, currently Director at the French Ministry in charge of Housing